Erp N.P.v., Baker S.D., Zandvliet A.S., Ploeger B.A., Hollander M.d., Chen Z., Hartigh J.d., Konig-Quartel J.M., Guchelaar H.J. and Gelderblom H., Marginal increase of sunitinib exposure by grapefruit juice, Cancer Chemother Pharmacol, 29: 29, 2010.
Erp N.P.v., Baker S.D., Zandvliet A.S., Ploeger B.A., Hollander M.d., Chen Z., Hartigh J.d., Konig-Quartel J.M., Guchelaar H.J. and Gelderblom H., Marginal increase of sunitinib exposure by grapefruit juice, Cancer Chemother Pharmacol, 29: 29, 2010.