
Towards the prediction of cardiovascular effects in human

Snelder N., Ploeger B., Luttringer O., Rigel D., Fu F., Beil M., Stanski D. and Danhof M., Towards the prediction of cardiovascular effects in human. PAGE.(2013) [Link to publication]

Population modeling of blood pressure: assessing clinically important factors for cardiovascular diseases.

Ackaert O., Population modeling of blood pressure: assessing clinically important factors for cardiovascular diseases. Leiden Pharma Science Symposium.(2013)

A systems pharmacology model of the APP processing pathway in Alzheimer’s Disease

Maanen E.v., Steeg T.v., Ahsman M., Savage M.J., Michener M.S., Kleijn H.J., Danhof M. and Stone J., A systems pharmacology model of the APP processing pathway in Alzheimer’s Disease. ACoP.(2013) [Link to publication]

Development of a dosing regimen for recombinant human antithrombin (rhAT) in pregnant patients

DeJongh J., Frieling J., Lowry S., Drenth H. and Finch M., Development of a dosing regimen for recombinant human antithrombin (rhAT) in pregnant patients. 60th Annual Meeting of the Society for Gynecologic Investigation (SGI) (2013) [Link to publication]

A Phase 2 Safety and Tolerability Study to Investigate the Effect of AZD5213 on Sleep

Hannesdottir K., Minkwitz M., Raudibaugh K., Vis P., Ackaert O. and Alexander R. A Phase 2 Safety and Tolerability Study to Investigate the Effect of AZD5213 on Sleep in Subjects with Mild Cognitive Impairment and Mild Alzheimer’s Disease. AAIC (2013)

Gap identification as a critical step to enable integrated clinical trial simulation platforms

Maanen E.v., deJongh J. and Vis P., Gap identification as a critical step to enable integrated clinical trial simulation platforms; application to TB. joint Critical Path, FDA en ISoP meeting.(2013)

Cap identification as a critical step to enable integrated clinical trial simultaion platforms

Maanen E.v., deJongh J. and Vis P., Cap identification as a critical step to enable integrated clinical trial simultaion platforms; Application to TB. Critical PAth for Tuberculosis Research Workshop.(2013)

A hidden Markov model to assess drug-induced sleep fragmentation

Diack C., Ackaert O., Ploeger B.A., Graaf P.H.v.d., R.Gurrel, Ivarsson M. and Fairman D., A hidden Markov model to assess drug-induced sleep fragmentation. PAGE.(2012) [Link to publication]

Quantification of the Drug Effect and Exploration of Mechanism of Action of Two NMDA Channel Blockers

Wallsten C., Ackaert O., Ekerot P., Snelder N., Quirk M., Fonck C. and Ploeger B., Quantification of the Drug Effect and Exploration of Mechanism of Action of Two NMDA Channel Blockers, AZD6765 and Ketamine, Using Mouse EEG Data PAGE.(2012) [Link to publication]

An Integrated Mechanistic Model

Stone J.A., Maanen E.v., Ahsman M., Steeg T.v., Savage M.J., Michener M.S. and Kleijn H., An Integrated Mechanistic Model to Interrelate CSF Aβ40, Aβ42, sAPPβ, and sAPPα Response to β and γ-secretase Inhibitors in Rhesus Monkey. AAIC.(2012)