Peeters M.Y., Bras L.J., Jongh J.d., Wesselink R.M., Aarts L.P., Danhof M. and Knibbe C.A., Disease Severity Is a Major Determinant for the Pharmacodynamics of Propofol in Critically Ill Patients, Clin Pharmacol Ther, 8: 8, 2007. [Link to publication]
Muller A.E., Jongh J.d., Bult Y., Goessens W.H., Mouton J.W., Danhof M. and Anker J.N.v.d., Pharmacokinetics of penicillin G in infants with a gestational age of less than 32 weeks, Antimicrob Agents Chemother, 23: 23, 2007. [Link to publication]
Freijer J.I., Post T.M., Ploeger B.A., Jongh J.d. and Danhof M., Application of the convection-dispersion equation to modelling oral drug absorption, Bull Math Biol., 69(1): 181-195., 2007. [Link to publication]
Danhof M., Jongh J.d., Lange E.C.d., Della Pasqua O., Ploeger B.A. and Voskuyl R.A., Mechanism-based pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic modeling: biophase distribution, receptor theory, and dynamical systems analysis, Annu Rev Pharmacol Toxicol., 47: 357-400., 2007. [Link to publication]
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Geldof M., Freijer J., Beijsterveldt L.v., Vermote P.C., Megens A.A. and Danhof M., Pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic modeling of the effect of fluvoxamine on p-chloroamphetamine-induced behavior, Eur J Pharm Sci., 32(3): 200-208. Epub 2007 Jul 2028., 2007. [Link to publication]
Groenendaal D., Freijer J., Mik D.d., Bouw M.R., Danhof M. and Lange E.C.d., Population pharmacokinetic modelling of non-linear brain distribution of morphine: influence of active saturable influx and P-glycoprotein mediated efflux, Br J Pharmacol., 151(5): 701-712. Epub 2007 Apr 2030., 2007. [Link to publication]
Groenendaal D., Freijer J., Mik D.d., Bouw M.R., Danhof M. and Lange E.C.d., Influence of biophase distribution and P-glycoprotein interaction on pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic modelling of the effects of morphine on the EEG, Br J Pharmacol., 151(5): 713-720. Epub 2007 Apr 2030., 2007. [Link to publication]
Peeters M.Y., Prins S.A., Knibbe C.A., Jongh J.d., Schaik R.H.v., Dijk M.v., Heiden I.P.v.d., Tibboel D. and Danhof M., Propofol pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics for depth of sedation in nonventilated infants after major craniofacial surgery, Anesthesiology, 104(3): 466-474, 2006. [Link to publication]
Peeters M.Y., Prins S.A., Knibbe C.A., Jongh J.d., Mathot R.A., Warris C., Schaik R.H.v., Tibboel D. and Danhof M., Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of midazolam and metabolites in nonventilated infants after craniofacial surgery, Anesthesiology., 105(6): 1135-1146., 2006. [Link to publication]