Publications & Presentations in the therapeutic area :

Drug effects on the cardiovascular system in conscious rats

Snelder N., Ploeger B.A., Luttringer O., Rigel D.F., Fu F., Beil M., Stanski D.R. and Danhof M., Drug effects on the cardiovascular system in conscious rats – separating cardiac output into heart rate and stroke volume using PKPD modeling, Br J Pharmacol, 24(10): 12824, 2014. [Link to publication]

Towards the prediction of cardiovascular effects in human

Snelder N., Ploeger B., Luttringer O., Rigel D., Fu F., Beil M., Stanski D. and Danhof M., Towards the prediction of cardiovascular effects in human. PAGE.(2013) [Link to publication]

Population modeling of blood pressure: assessing clinically important factors for cardiovascular diseases.

Ackaert O., Population modeling of blood pressure: assessing clinically important factors for cardiovascular diseases. Leiden Pharma Science Symposium.(2013)

Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Modeling of the Antihypertensive Effect of Eprosartan

van Rijn-Bikker P.C., Ackaert O., Snelder N., van Hest R.M., Ploeger B.A., Koopmans R.P. and Mathot R.A., Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Modeling of the Antihypertensive Effect of Eprosartan in Black and White Hypertensive Patients, Clin Pharmacokinet, 22: 22, 2013. [Link to publication]

PKPD modelling of the interrelationship

Snelder N., Ploeger B.A., Luttringer O., Rigel D.F., Webb R.L., Feldman D., Fu F., Beil M., Jin L., Stanski D.R. and Danhof M., PKPD modelling of the interrelationship between mean arterial BP, cardiac output and total peripheral resistance in conscious rats, Br J Pharmacol., 169(7): 1510-1524. doi: 1510.1111/bph.12190., 2013. [Link to publication]

Nonlinear mixed effects modeling of the diurnal blood pressure profile

van Rijn-Bikker P.C., Snelder N., Ackaert O., van Hest R.M., Ploeger B.A., van Montfrans G.A., Koopmans R.P. and Mathot R.A., Nonlinear mixed effects modeling of the diurnal blood pressure profile in a multiracial population, Am J Hypertens., 26(9): 1103-1113. 2013. [Link to publication]

Population modeling of blood pressure

Ackaert O., Rijn-Bikker P.v., Snelder N., Hest R.v., Ploeger B., Monfrans G.v., Koopmans R. and Mathot R., Population modeling of blood pressure: assessing clinically important factors for cardiovascular diseases. PAGE.(2011) [Link to publication]

Quantitative understanding of drug effects on the interrelationship between mean arterial blood pressure, cardiac output and total peripheral resistance

Snelder N., Ploeger B.A., Danhof M., Stanski D.R., Rigel D., Webb R., Feldman D. and Luttringer O., Quantitative understanding of drug effects on the interrelationship between mean arterial blood pressure, cardiac output and total peripheral resistance. PAGE.(2011) [Link to publication]

Drug effects on the Cardiovascular system

Snelder N., Ploeger B., Danhof M., Stanski D., Rigel D., Webb R., Feldman D. and Luttringer O., Drug effects on the Cardiovascular system – development of a mechanism-based pharmacodynamic model to improve translational drug research. Noordwijkerhout.(2010)

Effect of altered AGP plasma binding

Steeg T.J.v., Krekels E.H., Freijer J., Danhof M. and Lange E.C.d., Effect of altered AGP plasma binding on heart rate changes by S(-)-propranolol in rats using mechanism-based estimations of in vivo receptor affinity (K(B,vivo)), J Pharm Sci., 99(5): 2511-2520., 2010. [Link to publication]