
Implementing receptor theory in PK-PD modeling

Danhof M. and Ploeger B., Implementing receptor theory in PK-PD modeling. PAGE.(2008). [Link to publication]

Are Wash-Out Designs Better than Delayed Start Designs?

Ploeger B. and Holford N.H., Are Wash-Out Designs Better than Delayed Start Designs? ACOP.(2008).

Assessment of the use of complex baseline models in preclinical safety screening

Steeg T. v., Strougo A., Ploeger B. and Graaf P. v. d., Assessment of the use of complex baseline models in preclinical safety screening: Application of the van der Pol oscillator model to describe heart rate effects in rats. PAGE.(2008). [Link to publication]

Dose Prediction of Tacrolimus in de novo Kidney Transplant Patients with Population Pharmacokinetic Modelling Including Genetic Polymorphisms

Press R.R., Ploeger B.A., Hartigh J.d., Straaten R.J.H.M.v.d., Pelt J.v., Danhof M., Fijter J.W.d. and Guchelaar H.J., Dose Prediction of Tacrolimus in de novo Kidney Transplant Patients with Population Pharmacokinetic Modelling Including Genetic Polymorphisms. PAGE.(2007). [Link to publication]

Utility of a mixed effects approach to defining target binding rate constants

Benson N., Snelder N., Ploeger B., Napier C., Sale H. and Graaf P.v.d., Utility of a mixed effects approach to defining target binding rate constants. PAGE.(2007). [Link to publication].

Disease system analysis distinguishing disease status from disease process

Jongh J.d., Post T., Freijer J., Winter W.d., Danhof M. and Ploeger B., Disease system analysis distinguishing disease status from disease process. PSWC.(2007).

Population PK/PD analysis of compound X to find appropriate dosage regimen in clinical trial

Funaki T., Post T., Maune H. and Drenth H.,  Population PK/PD analysis of compound X to find appropriate dosage regimen in clinical trial. PAGE. (2007).

Mechanism-based model of effect of co-administration of exogenous testosterone and progestogens on the hypogonadalaxis in men

Strougo A., Elassais-Schaap J., Greef R.d. and Drenth H., Mechanism-based model of effect of co-administration of exogenous testosterone and progestogens on the hypogonadalaxis in men. PAGE. (2007). [Link to publication]

Circadian rhythm in pharmacodynamics and its influence on the identification of treatment effects

Post T., Funaki T., Maune H. and Drenth H., Circadian rhythm in pharmacodynamics and its influence on the identification of treatment effects. PAGE.(2007). [Link to publication]

Accurate Interpretation of the Visual Predictive Check in order to Evaluate Model Performance

Post T.M., Freijer J.I., Winter W.d., Danhof M. and Ploeger B., Accurate Interpretation of the Visual Predictive Check in order to Evaluate Model Performance. PAGE.(2006). [Link to publication]